TFN members recently elected a new slate of candidates to serve on the network’s Board of Directors. An engaged and active board that represents the depth and diversity of our membership is critical to our mission-driven work, which centers on cultivating courageous philanthropic leaders who are engaged, emboldened and equipped to bring about a just society.

Curious to learn more about how candidates for TFN’s Board of Directors are selected and elected?

Below are some frequently asked questions about this process.

How many members are on the full TFN Board of Directors?

The 2024-2026 election brings the total number of board members to 15.

Who gets to vote in TFN Board of Directors elections?

TFN’s Board of Directors met in January to approve the slate of candidates. TFN member organizations in good standing received electronic ballots to cast their votes, which were due in April. Each member organization is entitled to one vote, with electronic ballots sent to the primary contact listed on TFN’s membership roster.

The board also elects its officers at the January meeting.

How are prospective board members identified and recruited?

The board’s Organizational Development Committee oversees the
nomination process for directors and officers. Their goal is to identify a strong pool of candidates, and ensure the overall board composition reflects a diversity of backgrounds and experiences.

TFN also strives to cultivate a board that is reflective of the types of grantmaking institutions that make up our membership, from institutions with national and regional reach to place-based community foundations.

Factors for consideration include a candidate’s: ctors for consideration include a candidate’s:

  • Level of engagement and leadership across TFN, such as participation in the PLACES Fellowship, working groups, or other programs
  • Availability and willingness to devote time to board duties
  • Issue/content areas of expertise
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression
  • Type and asset size of their grantmaking institution
  • Geographic location
  • Ability to exercise sound judgement

Candidates are selected based on their unique capabilities and perspectives that will enhance the board’s effectiveness as a governing body.

➡️More information about the nomination process and criteria is available in the Election Information Guide.

How can I volunteer for TFN leadership opportunities?

TFN offers a wealth of volunteer leadership opportunities that not only give you a chance to support TFN and our broader mission, but also expand your own professional networks. These opportunities include serving on our board, as well as designing learning sessions, event planning committees and programmatic steering and advisory committees. If you or a member of your team is looking to deepen your engagement with our community of funders and partners, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at